We are a small company founded on simple values: quality, hard work and attention to detail. I take great pride in the work that I do and the hands-on approach that I bring to each project, no
matter how small.
Here in Maine, we're surrounded by stone - from local quarries downeast to the stonewall-studded farm fields of Central Maine. Brick and stone have, for hundreds of years, been the backbone of our architecture and our lives. For generations, stonework served a purely utilitarian purpose – supporting a house, damming a river or fencing in a pasture. Walls, boundaries and foundations were built with the materials that were on hand. To me, that is its beauty.
I am proud to bring the beauty of stonework to any project that our clients envision.
- Wyatt Picard, Owner
We offer interior and exterior brick and stonework, for both new construction and repair. Services include: